Friday, March 10, 2017

Republican Obamacare (AHA)

The Republican Obamacare (AHA) would leave 20 million Americans without healthcare. It cuts funding for which would mean the people with pre-existing conditions could not afford the health insurance premiums. It would cut funding for Medicaid and Medicare hurting senior citizens. So please tell your Senators and Representatives to vote NO.  
The best solution to healthcare in the United States is to do what most other countries around the world have been doing for over sixty years and that is Universal Healthcare also known as Single payer, Medicare for all, and National healthcare. Whatever you call it there are many systems to copy that have been tested for over sixty years. It also relieve employers from the expense of providing the employees with healthcare benefits.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Corruption as far as you can see.

The top law enforcement agency in the United States the FBI has shown itself to be corrupt once again in the election of 2016 and in the first days of the Trump administration.  People for the most part are inherently corrupt and that is why we need regulations to govern even our law enforcement agencies that are charged with upholding those regulations.

Martha Stewart was put in jail for allegedly lying to the FBI, it was her word against her broker’s word that she did insider trading. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI. Michael Flynn lied to the FBI yet so far has not been charged. George W Bush did insider Trading, but has not been charged. Tom Price Trump's nominee for Health and Human Services secretary did insider Trading, but so far has not been charged. It Certainly looks like selective enforcement to me.

Now the first head of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover used the power of the FBI to blackmail Politian’s to do get what he wanted. He used the FBI to come down hard of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement. So, Corruption in the FBI is nothing new, but should be stopped.