Sunday, March 6, 2011

Those were the days myfriend

I sometimes get E-mails about how we who were born in the 1940’s (I was born in 1941) survived without Government regulations usually with a lot of examples everyone over 50 can relate to, of course the are people that didn’t survive that would have if we had those regulations. One line of the E-mail read:
before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good.
Thanks to those lawyers and government regulations many people are alive today to read that E-mail. I remember going to Coney Island with my friends, riding the rollercoaster with one little wooden bar keeping us in, but then sometimes we couldn’t get on the Cyclone because of an accident, we went up on the Parachute Jump sitting on what was like a swing set seat with just a chain across our laps, then hauled up so we could see over almost the whole city and dropped. Even then when I was very young I thought it was dangerous there is a reason why the parachute Jump is just a monument to stupidity today.
          Yes we didn’t have seatbelts and many went flying through the windshield in auto accidents and they are not reading E-mails about the good old days today. We didn’t ware helmets when riding our bikes, lucky we never landed on our heads when we fall off them. How many children were poisoned before childproof lids on medicine bottles?  How many people would not have gotten cancer if they didn’t start smoking, work with asbestos, got tested early. If we ate the right food we wouldn’t be such a fat nation today. There are many more examples,
So Thanks to Unions and consumer groups for those “Regulations