Friday, March 29, 2013

Walking to the bank

While I was walking to the bank I spotted what look like a big bird in the distance, when I got a little closer I saw two turkeys, one right in my path. When I walked up to it the turkey moves aside with a little garble sound and I kept on walking. A little farther down the road I passed in front of a mail truck, as I walked pass the truck the mail carrier leaned out her truck and says do you know that a turkey is following you, I look around and sure enough the turkey is right behind me, I walk a little more and the turkey is still there, now I have to cross a busy road (Rt. 112) to get to the bank, so I turn shout at the turkey to go home and it seem to get the message for she (I think it was a female) goes cross the road, I hope she went back to the other turkey that I think was a male, anyway she stop following me.