Monday, July 22, 2013

A Prince is born

A Prince is born

Today the great news was that a prince of the World of born and this is a great event because it gaves us continuity and a look to the future were the new born prince will be King long after we have passed away from this planetary plane and something we have known in our lifetime will continue into the future of mankind. We were once ruled by Lords and princes that told us how to live and had the power of life and death over us, but they needed us  to feed them, build their castles, and fight their wars, but in turn the cared for our welfare fore they knew they needed us.

Today our rulers don’t think they need us anymore that they can play us against each other or let machines do the work we use to do. They are wrong future generations will united the workers of the world (not just one country) their machines will need us to operated them, but we will be one people of the world. Now this may many generations after us, but rest assured we will win in the end and we will have our prince to lead us