Sunday, August 24, 2014

Police facing dangerous persons

The police of Ferguson and Saint Louis on confronting black teenagers that they thought might be threatening to them, so they emptied the pistols into the black teenagers. It seems to me that they panicked which I might have done myself in that situation.  Unlike me the police are supposed to be trained to handle dangerous situations.  The officers in Saint Louis were said to have tasers that could have just stunned him and he would be alive. I guess the police are use to using their pistols and don’t trust their tasers.

          The police culture seems to be them against blacks because black commit most of the petty crimes, but it’s always been that petty crimes are commit by the poor.  It is true that not all poor are black, a higher percentage of the blacks are poor than the whites if the police didn’t find it easier to pick on the blacks they would come after the poor whites and Hispanics.

          So I think the answer is better equipped and trained police as well as better educated populous. This might mean higher taxes for everyone; it would be well worth it to live in a safe and free country again.