Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Rigged Elections

November of 2016

Donald Trump who won the Electoral College, but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton says the election was rigged because he wanted to win it all. The thing is all American elections have been rigged from the start. The founding fathers put in place a government where there is only two private clubs that select candidates for any office including the presidency. The American people get to vote between two candidates that are often twins in public policy.
          The American Revolution was about power so after gaining it the founding fathers didn’t want to give it up. So, they came up with the electoral college to ensure that they not the public got to choose who would be president. They also made it so the Senate was chosen by the State Legislatures that was changed to popular elections in 1913.

          So, all this talk about this year’s election being rigged is not new it is just more apparent because of the mass they made of it with foreigners hacking the election and all we are now in new territory, but you can be sure the power brokers will made sure they keep their power and the people their slaves that think they are free.           

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Lucky Generation

I Realize that I was born into the Luckiest generation to ever been born on this planet. After World War Two the United States of America was the only country that still had its industrial base still intact. My parent moved to the United States in 1929 from Scotland. My father left Scotland because he was an Irish Catholic who suffered suppression in Scotland and thought that America couldn’t be much worst and indeed it was much better. My Mother quit school in Alva Scotland at the tender age of nine to work in the local mills to help support her family. So, her mother and her mother’s sister sent three young girls to New York hoping they will find better lives. All three came to think that America was no better than the Scotland they left. Lucky for my brother, sister and I my mother met my father. She was a protestant whose family at that time was much against Catholics, but she fell in love so unlike her cousins she stayed.      

So, you see that hate has hurt my family as it has hurt many families across this country. We must move pass this mistrust of others to band together we must move forward and vote against those that divided us into groups to hate each other. Learn from your ancestors and don’t vote against future generations don’t condemn them to relive the lives of your ancestors.