Friday, January 3, 2020

Beliefs and War

There's been many wars in human history most the original wars was over territory. Then starting maybe 2000 years ago or more we humans started to have wars against beliefs people believing that their beliefs weather religious or political ideology. I think it was mostly religious that their beliefs were the only true beliefs and others must either conform to their beliefs or die.
          Wars have managed to kill a lot of people, but what war has ever killed a belief I don't remember ever reading or hearing about any such wars. I think there must be a better way people can debate in peace. Some thought the United Nations was the way and maybe it is, but the UN must be reformed to make it fairer. So I thought social media such as Facebook would make things better with regular people exchanging views. It has seemed made things worse so I'm not sure the way to go but I just think it's through education and dialogue amongst people around the world, but that must be regulated dialogue where hate speech does not excite others to violence I'm not sure how we accomplish this but my what we must try

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