Saturday, April 25, 2020

Retired Working Class View: War against the pandemic

Retired Working Class View: War against the pandemic: In war the best generals are the ones that gain victory with losing the fewest soldiers. Caesar after crossing the River Rubicon and taken...

War against the pandemic

In war the best generals are the ones that gain victory with losing the fewest soldiers. Caesar after crossing the River Rubicon and taken Rome with a Legion of Roman soldiers without losing one soldier that is what made him a great general and leader of the Roman Empire. Now a couple of Millennium later we need a leader like Caesar gains victory with the minimum amount of life lost. The United States of America in the year 2020 as a leader the unnecessarily cost lives rather than saving them.  

Friday, April 24, 2020


We must try to limit the coronavirus before we can bring back the economy and let people go to work and congregate it is life before money. yes people must live Ann put food on the table. Which is why we have public assistance to put food on the table for those that need. The fact is to get the economy going again some have to be sacrificed probably mostly the  old,  the idea is to minimize the amount of people that must die of this disease that is what Andrew Cuomo at least is trying to do

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Retired Working Class View: Trump at the National Pray Breakfast Feb 2020

Retired Working Class View: Trump at the National Pray Breakfast Feb 2020: At the National Prayer Breakfast the speaker before Trump quoted Jesus about forgiveness,  then when Trump started to speak he said “I don&...

Capitalism and Socialism.

 The definition of capitalism is a money-based system where profit is more important than people and the definition of socialism is everything that is important to people should be all controlled by the people.   Nations with a good balance between the two economic systems seem to have worked best through the different crisis that come up occasionally, about every 20 years under capitalist systems.
The virtue of capitalism as proposed by its supporters is that it gives people incentive to invent new innovations but these innovations many times are beneficial only to a few and to the detriment of the many. I believe that there are people that would come up with innovations even without profit for the benefit on society it depends on their loyalty to their society.  
Everyone on earth is bias both genetically and environmentally or as they call it brainwashing. So, people believe in propaganda put out by one side or the other now this is probably true even of this writer, but these are facts to ponder.