Monday, December 28, 2020

Who won the 2020 Election?


          All won the election of 2020, the Right Wing lost ground in that they lost the White House, and some Senate seats. the left did not gain any ground, it did not lose any either. The winners were those in the center so called Liberals and real Conservatives both of which want progress with the Conservative putting money first staying inside a budget.  The Liberals progress first then worry about the budget.

          The Corporate powers that have run the USA for the last 245 years one way or another. They have gained once again for most people have been conned yet again.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Post 2020 Election


Wow, the election really was over on November 4th, but the fascist president refused to accept defeat  and still doesn't  accept the result of the election  but technically it was really over as of yesterday December 14th 2020 with Joseph R Biden junior and Kamala Harris Winning the Electoral college vote.

The Fascist will fight to keep White supremacy alive to the end that says more about the American people and the Republican Party who refused to acknowledge facts.  If They do not like the facts that doesn’t go along with their fake delusions like the fact that they keep calling COVID-19 a hoax. Also they don’t go along with the fact that Biden won they think that there was electoral fraud in the 2020 election and they brought over 50 law suits, but have no proof at They lost them all of them including two in the United states Supreme Court. They will continue their tirade until the day they die.

 What I wonder about is what's going to happen to the Republican Party for there is some Conservatives that sided with the progressives and black lives matter voters to give Biden his victory. so, there is a split between in the Republican Party between Republican Conservatives and the Republican fascist will they split into two parties or well one subdue the other I guess time will tell.