Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Natural World of Racism

I remember a lot Anti-antisemitism as well as anti-black comments growing up on Long Island. My father was an Irish-Catholic living in Protestant Scotland that is why he came to this country where he hoped there would be a little less prejudice and always said don’t put anyone else down for you could be next. I don’t understand people who came from ancestors that suffered prejudice could turn around and do it to others.
I believe there are two kinds of people on this planet those that are openly racist and those that at least try to hide it.  I think it is a matter of survival to protect your family and to extend that to your race, ethic group, nationality, and even into religion or beliefs.
Humans have learned to control other emotions that they might have, why can’t they learn to get along with people that are not like them.  The United States has many different kinds of people with different cultures that mix is what makes America great. It might not look like it now, but I think all human societies will evolve into one great global Society.


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