Tuesday, January 31, 2017

So, the Dictatorship of Donald I begins

The strange thing about the election of Donald John Trump is the one thing his supporters did not believe is when he told how crazy anyone was that would vote for him when he said “I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they would still vote for me”.  I still think he never wanted to be President during his campaign for the Republican nomination he first attacked Mexicans as criminals, then the Vets when he insulted John McCain, and a Muslim soldier both war heroes, and said he wanted a purple heart without earning it. Then he said he would ban all Muslim from entering the country and start a Muslim registry. He called blacks in the country’s cities as criminals living in poor conditions.

Now you would think after insulting all those people he wouldn’t have a chance to get elected, but many saw him as a strong leader so they gave him the Republican nomination.  He ran against Hillary Clinton who the Republicans had piled up a lot of lies about her, that most conservatives believed. So, thanks to the Electoral College Trump was elected President even if three million more Americans voted for Hillary.

Even before he took office Trump showed how bad a President he would be by appointing the worst cabinet in American History. Trump appointed people that hated the departments they were to head. He appointed Steve Bannon as his chief White House advisor a man who ran a White supremacist web site and was once a neo-Nazi. Trump appointed Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary who doesn’t have a degree in education and hates Public Schools in favor of private schools that take the smarter students and rejects those with learning disabilities unlike the public school that must take all students. Trump appointed Jeff Sessions Attorney General who has a very poor record on Civil Rights. Trump Appointed Rick Perry who didn’t even know what the Energy Department was all about. It was much the same with his other Appointments.     

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