Sunday, October 25, 2020

Week before the 2020 Election


Well it's a week before the presidential election of 2020 between Donald J Trump and Joseph Biden. So, far Biden is ahead by an average of 10 points national, but much narrower in some of the so called swing states like Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania And Wisconsin most people even Democrats are wary of these polls because of what happened in 2016 where all the pulls said Hillary Clinton was going to win by a landslide, but Trump got in by the Electoral College which makes the States count more than the United States population as a whole.

          Trump the incumbent president has some accomplishments in the foreign policy area, such as finally come to the conclusion that the United States has lost the war in Afghanistan and so Surrendering it to the Taliban and some little bit more questionable things like moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel. Then getting some Muslim countries to recognize Israel which is a good accomplishment. Then the withdrawal of troops around the world would be a good thing, but it was all so far it's been all talk no action He claims to have success with China but it seems more like it's the other way around China's economy is growing even after the pandemic where is United States is shrinking

          Trump domestically is another story other than the tax cut for the rich which he would call an accomplishment. He has set storm troopers against innocent protesters of the black lives matter people. Started riots around the country blaming it on the black lives movement. Then the biggest thing is the who's to blame for thousands of American lives  by playing down the pandemic which she knew was dangerous long before it had had hit areas of the country this is still playing out today. Hopefully Biden can stop the hemorrhaging and bring the country back to normal.

          Joseph R Biden Jr. The Democratic candidate for president was not my first choice no in fact she was my last choice to run against Donald J Trump. I did vote for him because he was not Donald Trump.  He served as the senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2008 When he became Barack Obama's vice president I am sure he had many accomplishments as senator, but so far the only things have been brought out are the things that his critics like to blame him for Like the tough on crime bill which he put forth in the Congress that was tougher on the poor especially Blacks poor and put many in prisons  even with many low crime Offences.  

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