Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christina’s World

Obama in his speech in Tucson AZ on January 12th said we should try to create a world like the one Christina Tayor Green envisioned it to be, that maybe a perfect world maybe unattainable, but it is a goal to shoot for to make a more perfect union.
          The most talked about issue is Public discourse the second is Gun Control, the third and least talked about in Mental Health Reform. I will take on the third first, how I am not very knowledgeable about Mental Health myself and it is the least exciting of the issues which is why the talk shows don’t talk about it, so it goes the least understood. We have seen strange people in our lives, but never said anything and we could get in trouble if we did, it is up to professionals like teachers or college professors to alert the right people. People can understand things they see, but mental illness can’t be seen and enough considered just dumb. We need more Health Reform measures enacted in congress. This is what they should be working on instead of repealing the health care we already have, lets go forward not backward.              

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