Monday, March 9, 2015

50 years later Selma march Continues

In 1965 I was in the US Army at Fort Benning Georgia where they were suddenly giving us riot training and in March of that year they woke us up early in the morning and load us up on trucks with barbwire on the front of it. We never went anywhere, but I was always wondered what that was all about. Now I realize that it must have been the march on Selma.

Even with all the reforms that have happen since 1965 and the improvement in communications people seem more misinformed than ever. Civil right leaders of today are hated not only in the south, in the whole country.  People just asking for justice for  blacks are called all sort of names it can only be hoped that future generations will be more educated so has to change the culture of this and many other countries.

                    Obama's Selma speech was his best ever, if only people would listen. It should be replayed just before November 2016 so people who tend not to vote therefore giving their power away maybe will listen to him and vote.

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