Sunday, January 8, 2017

Robots not Undocumented taken jobs

I remember when I was just entering the work force around 1958 there were hundreds of thousands of workers in factory when they closed or moved. Then around the time I retired 2002 there were about twenty to thirty thousand, but recently they are only talking about a thousand or less. So the job lost is NOT because of cheap labor either overseas or undocumented aliens, but by Robots.

The biggest part of the problem of getting people to work at jobs they and families can live on, is Robots have taken 90% of those jobs away. Workers are no longer needed that is why factories are coming back to the USA. Right now, the jobs they take are mostly repetitive jobs, but what happens when they develop AI Robots that think for themselves then you can kiss the rest of jobs goodbye. Society most solve the problem of too many people and not enough jobs or the whole Society falls apart.

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