Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Syrian raid one too many.

I am sure you have heard that the US Navy attacked with fifty-nine Tomahawk Missiles an Syrian air base that some think may have been used to launch a chemical attacks on Syrian Children as seen on American Television. This attack on Syria without Congressional approval therefore illegal was meant to show how strong Trump was when faced with TV images.    

The result of the raid as per the Trump Aministration was: 1 The US destroyed 20 per cent of the Syrian Air Force (they seem to be fascinated by the number twenty) 2, 20 per cent of one wing of the Syrian Air Force. 3, 20 planes of the Syrian Air Force. 4, 20 Storage sheds that may have been used to store the chemical weapons. 5, according to the US military they hit all their attended targets. 6, According to Russian military most of the missiles missed their targets and just broke up some concrete. 7, Videos show on American news taken by Arab news networks show Syrian Fighter jets still in one piece with just a little blacken earth. 8, US photos of base from air show the same thing. The Syrian Air Force was flying missions out of that base right after the raid.

It is hard to know whom to believe unless you are a dye in the wool supporter of one side or the other, but in this case, we have to video and the fact that the Syrian base was up and running in no time. The Generals held a news conference which I never saw them do before, but I remember when I was in the Army there were no bigger lairs than generals, well maybe private company executives and a Politian. Bloggers never lie.

One thing that came out of this raid was the Trump administration charter in trying to say how evil the Syrian President Assad was Trump Press Sean Spicer said that even Hitler didn’t use Chemical weapons on his own people. I am not sure why it isn’t bad to use them on any one, but that seems to be the common wisdom that it is worst to bomb your own people than the others. Sean Spicer got in big trouble for this with everyone except Trump supporters. When the generals listed wars from World war one where the USA didn’t use chemical weapons they left out Vietnam because we did use them in Vietnam against civilian targets burning down whole villages with their family still in them with napalm chemical weapons.

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