Monday, July 10, 2017

What if: American Revolt Didn’t Happen

Our fore fathers who met in Philadelphia in 1775 to decide what to do about what had happen in Boston earlier that year. They had as I see it three options one to make peace with the crown, two revolt against British role, or three become a commonwealth which was offered by the crown. We already know which choose they made, but what if the 13 colonies decided to become a commonwealth of the United Kingdom and pledge a common defense with the British empire.
          It would be nice to think that all the people of the North American continent would have more Athenian way of life than the Spartan view of life that now seems the culture of the 50 colonies. Since the United Kingdom did away with Slavery in their empire about 30 years before the Civil War it would have saved us from that carnage. The racism would still be with us for it is not an American invention and there would still be wars, but maybe we would not be as quick to start them.

          No, it wouldn’t be perfect we would still have problems, but maybe we would join with the rest of world’s nations in such things as healthcare, fighting poverty and most of all in fighting climate change. Today in the real world the United States stands alone, isn’t it about time we rejoin the human race while there is stall time.     

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