Thursday, January 16, 2020

Iowa Debate

Bernie Sanders: I agree more with Bernie than any other Politician in my lifetime about 95%. Bernie is the best at explaining Single Payer Healthcare and how he will pay for it. The trouble in the debate is that Bernie and Warren were fighting over weather a woman can be elected President. There by hurting each other and making the more moderate candidates look like the safer Choice.

Elizabeth Warren: I like her Enthusiasm she talks with a lot of energy and passion and has pretty much the same plans as does Bernie. I have trouble thinking that her plan for making the rich pay for it or most of it is that ir won't work. The rich are in power and the first even if she manages to get it through Congress, which is doubtful they will repeal it the first chance they get, better off with taxes on all classes of people according to income and she has the same trouble as Bernie with the fights between her and Bernie.

Joe Biden: Joe is a moderate choice who appeals to I wider group and people Including African Americans because he seems like he would carry on the Obama agenda. Joe has a record that will both help him and hurt him especially in his vote on the war powers act for the Iraq war.

Amy Klobuchar: another moderate choice that runs on putting forth plans that have a better chance of getting thought congress but cover less people. Amy’s plans would be much like Joe’s plans

Pete Buttigieg: Pete looks to me like someone who cut High School classes to be on the debate stage. Pete’s views are about the same as the other two moderates. Pete has little experience.

Tom Steyer: Tom is only on the debate stage because he is rich and thinks that means he know better than more experience candidates isn’t that what got us into this mess in the first place?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Retired Working Class View: Beliefs and War

Retired Working Class View: Beliefs and War: There's been many wars in human history most the original wars was over territory. Then starting maybe 2000 years ago or more we human...

Beliefs and War

There's been many wars in human history most the original wars was over territory. Then starting maybe 2000 years ago or more we humans started to have wars against beliefs people believing that their beliefs weather religious or political ideology. I think it was mostly religious that their beliefs were the only true beliefs and others must either conform to their beliefs or die.
          Wars have managed to kill a lot of people, but what war has ever killed a belief I don't remember ever reading or hearing about any such wars. I think there must be a better way people can debate in peace. Some thought the United Nations was the way and maybe it is, but the UN must be reformed to make it fairer. So I thought social media such as Facebook would make things better with regular people exchanging views. It has seemed made things worse so I'm not sure the way to go but I just think it's through education and dialogue amongst people around the world, but that must be regulated dialogue where hate speech does not excite others to violence I'm not sure how we accomplish this but my what we must try