Sunday, September 11, 2022

11th of September 2001

 11 September 2001

          This is the story of where I was on 9/11, It was a beautiful day, but I was working inside at the Floral Park Verizon Telephone Central Office (CO) installing some new equipment on the second floor, when a coworker came up to me and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We thought it must have been a small private plane, but what kind of idiot could hit much a large building on a beautiful clear day. I knew we could see the city skyline from the roof of the CO and could usually see the World Trade Center pretty clear from up there, so we run up to the roof. When we got there it wasn’t hard to spot the WTC buildings smoke was pouring out of first one then the other, smoke covering about a quarter of the southern sky across Brooklyn. Some other guys joined us up on the roof and one had a small radio with the news that two airliners had hit the WTC, and another hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C. with the Newscaster saying she thinks to might be a Terrorist attack, to which I replied, “You Think?”. It wasn’t until I went home that I heard of the fourth plane went down in Pennsylvania.

What really struck me was that all whose people that worked in the World Trade Center starting what we all thought was just another work day with some going to a the nearby Deli for the coffee while the coworker waited in their offices for them, the ones whose turn it was to go for coffee lived, while the ones who waited died and it may have been the same Deli I got my coffee from when I visited the West Street CO which is across the street from the WTC. I think it is but another example that we should live each day to the fullest.         It was a beautiful day, but I was working inside at the Floral Park Verizon Telephone Central Office (CO) installing some new equipment on the second floor, when a coworker came up to me and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We thought it must have been a small private plane, but what 

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