Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Thank God it's gone

Looking back on the year just past the big thing of course was the election, which Trump won even with only about twenty-five percent of the American citizens voting for him. Now contrary to what most people believe the United States of America is not a democratic country it is a Republic in which the elite Corporate leaders select the President, and Senators. This year there was a little twist the Russian elite helped the American elite select our new President Trump.

          The people that did vote for Trump were fewer, but in the right places. Now I had thought that they were all voting for Trump for just White superiority and that was a big part of it following our first black President. When talking to some of Trump supporters most of them say they voted for Trump because he spoke his mind, but that they didn’t believe he meant what he was saying. So all you have to do to get their vote is say nutty things with a strong voice.       

          The Media especially the twenty-four-hour news networks put on Trump contently which went along way into making 2016 annoying year. The Media did a lot to get Trump elected and the fact that the media is owned by the Corporate elite is very telling.     

          Other than politics there seems to be a lot of Celebrities that died including Carrie Fisher with her mother dying just one day after her, so you can die of a broken heart    

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