Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Working together or not!

There seems to me to be two basic systems of human society, first one is where the many work to benefit the few. The other is where we all work to benefit the whole society. I know that is way over simplified, but as I said that is only the basic principal. One of the problems of people working together for the benefit of the whole is that people are not born equal some have more talent than others. So, the question most asked is “Why should I work for the benefit of someone that does less” that is a good question.
The way most societies have answered that question is by going with the first option, most people working of the benefit of Royalty with just enough to keep the rest happy enough to keep benefit Royalty. Now the Corporate elite have replaced Royalty, but the effect is the same give the people just enough to survive and direct the blame for their plight on others that are different than them.

The second option is not perfect either, but it benefits more of Society so I think it is the better of the two options. One thing people don’t like about the second option is that it comes with Rules, lots of Rules. Rules to govern human behavior which has we said is not perfect. Everyone must be made to contribute per their talents and everyone gets the benefit of the whole work force. Now no one has come up with a system yet that will not work without leaders to directed it, that is another reason for rules passed by a consent of the majority.   

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