Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our trip to Orlando Florida to see Fred Day Three

The next day we got up had our breakfast and tried out the whirlpool bath we had a bit of trouble and we flooded the bathroom, then we read the instructions on how to operate the whirlpool, then we both took our morning baths. Then I put the Olympus camera photos into the computer dropbox and labeled the file names and started writing this story.
Dorothy and John came and after we walked around the resort looking at all the flowers and birds around the manmade lake, Adele got a call from our son Kenny that Josephine’s Dad had coded, we called Fred that we were coming and we took off to Fred home which was a little over an hour away. While we were on our way on route 4 Adele got a call on the cell phone and it was our son Kenny to tell us that Josephine’s Dad had died, unfortunately we will not be able to go to his funeral at the Medford Fire department. We continued on to Fred’s home in Zephyrhills and took him out to eat at a local dinner called the Village Inn, the dinner was crowded  as it was Sunday and all the old church goers were going out to lunch after church, so we had to wait for about 20 minutes before the seated us. We had a nice lunch, then with Dorothy still diving we drove around Zephyrhills for a while, then when we returned to his home I took a photo of all three Eiermann Children with my Canon Rebel Camera, Fred look thinner than he did last year when we visited him.
While returning we stopped off at Publix Supermarket to get our food for the week. The we went to Applebee’s for Dinner for Adele and I thought they would have Vegetarian meals for Dorothy and John, for we had ordered Salads many time when we went to Applebee’s at home, what we didn’t realize is that all those salads had chicken. So Dorothy ordered a Salad telling them to hold the chicken and they said they would take four dollars off. John ordered a pile of French fries that turned out to be too salty. So Applebee’s is not a good idea for Vegetarians. Then Dorothy drove us back to our resort and after load the photos into the computer’s dropbox and writing this story we went to bed.

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