Sunday, February 24, 2013

Culture of the people or maybe not

A lot of the American people blame the government for everything that goes wrong and they are partly right, we have Republicans that some of us elected to the government, that campaigned on the fact that they hate the government. Now when you hire a plumber, do you hire a plumber that hates plumbing?  No! So the problem is not just with them, but who hired them. One of the real problems of the American government is that both Republicans and Democrats depend on the same powerful elite to get them elected and reelected.  

The easy way people not the take blame yourselves is to blame just one man, for all that goes wrong or to credit them for what goes right, but if you look at the foreign policies for the last fifty years you will see little difference between Republicans and Democrats. Why is that? I suggest that it is because War Profiteers rule the pentagon, just look at the fact that the United States has found somebody to fight since World War two and even now have a military bigger than all the other nations militaries put together.

There is a big cry about the fact we use too much oil, but why is that? Back about a hundred years ago the United States had the greatest mass transit system in the world with both rail and light rail systems crisscrossing this great country of ours. The powerful elite discovered that oil could make them big profits if they could convince the American people that what they really wanted was oil burning Automobiles. There were other types of engines including electric, but that cut into their profits for not only buying oil, but there were fewer repairs on electric car than oil burning cars therefore less profits

There are many other industries that manage the American people like puppets to improve their profits, like what food you eat, what electronics to that you like, and many more. The point is that we need to redo our entire culture, support for international police force under the United Nations paid for by all nations, not just the American taxpayer, doing away with the need for each nation having their own military. Either rebuilding the American nation’s Mass transit systems and/or develop affordable electric cars.

The thing is we cannot be a nation of individuals, but we must finally form an American Society working together to help each other through rough times, together we can make a better America              

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