Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Obama’s State of the Union 2013

Obama said that he wants to keep the largest military the world has ever seen, but cut Medicare and Social Security, Why? If the world wants a Global Police Force the every nation should pay for it, not just the American Tax payer. The trouble is that is the only part of the speech where he may get Republican votes. There is usually only about 50% of the American people who vote, there are many reasons for this, some are just too lazy and don’t care, some think it is a protest (a protest nobody notices), but many others don’t vote because they are not given anybody to vote for, when both parties take a similar positions of important issues.

There were many good parts of Obama’s speech too, most without detail like Congress passing the American Job Act, which the failed to do during Obama’s first term, Immigration Reform, Gun Control and tying the minimum wage to inflation, raising it now to $9.00 an hour. All these issues should be passed by Congress, but won’t unless the American people pressure their Congressperson and Senators to do so, make your protests heard by writing to your representatives and let them know how you feel about the issues that concern you.      

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