Saturday, December 3, 2016

Amityville Long Island in 2004 Photos

2004 Photos of Amityville Long Island

by Richard Boyle

Park North School in 2004
 I believe it was built around 1898 and once served as K to 12 for the Surrounding area as far away as Seaford. When I went there 1947 to about 1951 it held the First to third grades. I remember the there was a little gym with a stage on the second floor. The building had a fire sometime in the late 1950’s and the fire door automatically closed limiting the fire damage, amazing everyone for the doors were installed fifty years earlier. I remember having to go down the basement of the building where they looked at our head with a blue light.

Park Central School in the year 2004

Park South School as of 2004 Which was Amityville High School from 1932 to 1953

Amityvlle High School as of 2004 has been the High School since 1953

Amityvlle High School as of 2004 has been the High School since 1953

This building was once called Losi's Corner Grocery Store

The Triangle Building has long been the symbol of the Village of Amityville.  it is between Broadway (Rt. 110), Park Ave and Ireland Place. It houses mostly Lawyers offices and the like.

The Triangle Building between Broadway as of 2004 and Park Avenue Amityville

The five and Ten cent store was always one of my favorite Store when I was a kid I Knew right where they kept to toys. It was probably never a good as I remembered it.

The Security National Bank was a Long Island Bank brought by Chemical Bank which Merged with Chase Bank which it is now.

The Bank of Amityville on the corner of Ireland Place and Broadway became the Franklyn Bank and is now the Amityville Historical Museum

The Village Clock is still there as of 2004
The Village Clock erected in memory of the Amityville Citizens lost in World War One, whose names are on the sides of the clock, which has been a village landmark ever since.

Saint Martin of Tours RC Church as of 2004

The New Amityville Public Library as of 2004

The New Amityville Public Library as of 2004

James A Caples Park near Amityville Beach

Amityville Beach as of 2004 popular beach for generation of Amityville residents.

Amityville Beach as of 2004 popular beach for generation of Amityville residents.

Great South Bay from Richmond Ave Dock as of 2004 The dock at the end of Richmond Ave Amityville was a public dock when I was growing up in the 1940’s & 50’s where Amityville resident would go fishing and Crabbing.

Photo taken in 2004 from the Dock at the end of Richmond Ave and Ocean Avenues in Amityville.

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