Thursday, December 1, 2016

Where have all the Jobs gone.

President-Elect Donald J. Trump is running yet another Scam on the American people or more directly the people of Indiana who per a deal worked out with Carrier Air-conditioners where the taxpayers of Indiana will pay the wages of one thousand workers at a factory in Indiana.   You may ask why only one thousand workers, that is because of the development of Robotics they need a lot less workers to run a factory. Factories that once gave work to hundreds of thousands of workers now may employ only a couple of thousand.
Now I believe that the trouble start with the advent of Capitalism which replaced feudalism a lot of people will disagree with me especially those that look on Capitalism as a religion. The trouble as I see it anyway is that as the name Capitalism says Capital meaning money so the priority is MONEY not people in fact people cost money which could go the Capitalist. So, the Capitalist find the working class as an inconvenience so they had machines invented usually by the workers themselves. So, they can do the same work with less workers. This eventually lead to Robotics and will eventually lead to AI Robots eliminating the need for workers altogether.      

The trouble is there is now seven billion people on this planet and counting so the few Capitist have to start to sharing with the working class so we can all work together to build a better tomorrow for all of us.   

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