Thursday, December 8, 2016

Trump is just another bump in the road forward

The discussion among leaders of the later part of the eighteenth century was between one-person rule or some form of democracy would work. They all agreed that in the past there were some great rulers and that letting the people rule would end up in chaos. So, they came up with a plan of pretend Democracy which would still be rule by an elite class, but let the people think that they have a voice, that is the Republic system we live under today.
Maybe this was in response to what was happening in France in the early days of our republic where they ended up with Napoleon. When Germany finally got a democracy, they voted for Hitler in the 1933 elections. So, turning people against their own interest is quite easy like Hermann Goering once said “Naturally, the common people don’t want war, neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood, but the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy, all you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
I am still optimistic that democracy can work, but it won’t be easy for we must get it through to all people on this planet that they all belong to the same race, humanity. This is not a new idea humans have been trying to make it happen since we came out of the caves. Those attempts were usually along the lines of if only everyone had the same beliefs there would be peace in the world, that is where the universal church idea came from or for others just through power like the Roman empire today I am hopeful that communications between people have improved to the point the in a few generations the people of this planet may come to understand one another.  
  We are entering a new dark age in that the working class has been told to blame and fear the workers from other countries and that they need their rich masters to tell them what to do about it. All Trump told his followers is to fear Mexicans, Muslims, Gays and that the “others” are taken over their country and he will make America White again. The Progressive movement must organize to fight this backward movement. Then move forward with Public Education from Kindergarten to two years of college, Socialized Medicine, reorganize unions to be more effective against the modern global corporate world.      

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