Friday, October 27, 2017

Tax Transfer from Poor to Rich

I hear the Republicans try to explain their transferring tax money from Medicare and Medicaid to the rich. Republicans say that maybe, corporations will use the tax loot to take jobs out of Ireland to the USA. Which may be good for American Robots not the Workingclass of America.  

If you want to lower taxes in one place, you must make it up in another place or barrow it. The Republicans don’t want to be accused of raising taxes on the m1iddle class, so they try to hide them with tricks like lowering the amount workers can put in the 401k counts there by taxing more of their pay. Another was to take money from the budgets of Medicare/Medicaid there by requiring a raise in the premiums on the seniors. 
The Republicans say they will take away tax loop wholes, but what they fail to say is that those loop wholes is what keep middle Class (workingclass) use to reduce their taxes.

Monday, July 10, 2017

What if: American Revolt Didn’t Happen

Our fore fathers who met in Philadelphia in 1775 to decide what to do about what had happen in Boston earlier that year. They had as I see it three options one to make peace with the crown, two revolt against British role, or three become a commonwealth which was offered by the crown. We already know which choose they made, but what if the 13 colonies decided to become a commonwealth of the United Kingdom and pledge a common defense with the British empire.
          It would be nice to think that all the people of the North American continent would have more Athenian way of life than the Spartan view of life that now seems the culture of the 50 colonies. Since the United Kingdom did away with Slavery in their empire about 30 years before the Civil War it would have saved us from that carnage. The racism would still be with us for it is not an American invention and there would still be wars, but maybe we would not be as quick to start them.

          No, it wouldn’t be perfect we would still have problems, but maybe we would join with the rest of world’s nations in such things as healthcare, fighting poverty and most of all in fighting climate change. Today in the real world the United States stands alone, isn’t it about time we rejoin the human race while there is stall time.     

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wrong way battle group

Trump and General James Mattis Secretary of Defense,  said the USS Carl Vinson was headed for North Korea as it sailed the opposite direction.

Now the Navy's battle group was just operating according to their orders and no one had changed those orders. Donald Trump has not been listening to his intelligence experts so it is not surprising that he did not know where the battle group was located. It is surprising that General James Mattis did not know where they are or were they just lying? This is one time when lying is better than not knowing what is going on with your own Navy.    

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Syrian raid one too many.

I am sure you have heard that the US Navy attacked with fifty-nine Tomahawk Missiles an Syrian air base that some think may have been used to launch a chemical attacks on Syrian Children as seen on American Television. This attack on Syria without Congressional approval therefore illegal was meant to show how strong Trump was when faced with TV images.    

The result of the raid as per the Trump Aministration was: 1 The US destroyed 20 per cent of the Syrian Air Force (they seem to be fascinated by the number twenty) 2, 20 per cent of one wing of the Syrian Air Force. 3, 20 planes of the Syrian Air Force. 4, 20 Storage sheds that may have been used to store the chemical weapons. 5, according to the US military they hit all their attended targets. 6, According to Russian military most of the missiles missed their targets and just broke up some concrete. 7, Videos show on American news taken by Arab news networks show Syrian Fighter jets still in one piece with just a little blacken earth. 8, US photos of base from air show the same thing. The Syrian Air Force was flying missions out of that base right after the raid.

It is hard to know whom to believe unless you are a dye in the wool supporter of one side or the other, but in this case, we have to video and the fact that the Syrian base was up and running in no time. The Generals held a news conference which I never saw them do before, but I remember when I was in the Army there were no bigger lairs than generals, well maybe private company executives and a Politian. Bloggers never lie.

One thing that came out of this raid was the Trump administration charter in trying to say how evil the Syrian President Assad was Trump Press Sean Spicer said that even Hitler didn’t use Chemical weapons on his own people. I am not sure why it isn’t bad to use them on any one, but that seems to be the common wisdom that it is worst to bomb your own people than the others. Sean Spicer got in big trouble for this with everyone except Trump supporters. When the generals listed wars from World war one where the USA didn’t use chemical weapons they left out Vietnam because we did use them in Vietnam against civilian targets burning down whole villages with their family still in them with napalm chemical weapons.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Republican Obamacare (AHA)

The Republican Obamacare (AHA) would leave 20 million Americans without healthcare. It cuts funding for which would mean the people with pre-existing conditions could not afford the health insurance premiums. It would cut funding for Medicaid and Medicare hurting senior citizens. So please tell your Senators and Representatives to vote NO.  
The best solution to healthcare in the United States is to do what most other countries around the world have been doing for over sixty years and that is Universal Healthcare also known as Single payer, Medicare for all, and National healthcare. Whatever you call it there are many systems to copy that have been tested for over sixty years. It also relieve employers from the expense of providing the employees with healthcare benefits.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Corruption as far as you can see.

The top law enforcement agency in the United States the FBI has shown itself to be corrupt once again in the election of 2016 and in the first days of the Trump administration.  People for the most part are inherently corrupt and that is why we need regulations to govern even our law enforcement agencies that are charged with upholding those regulations.

Martha Stewart was put in jail for allegedly lying to the FBI, it was her word against her broker’s word that she did insider trading. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to the FBI. Michael Flynn lied to the FBI yet so far has not been charged. George W Bush did insider Trading, but has not been charged. Tom Price Trump's nominee for Health and Human Services secretary did insider Trading, but so far has not been charged. It Certainly looks like selective enforcement to me.

Now the first head of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover used the power of the FBI to blackmail Politian’s to do get what he wanted. He used the FBI to come down hard of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement. So, Corruption in the FBI is nothing new, but should be stopped.             

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

William Kay and the Amityville Police

The first time I met William Kay he was just a surgent and I was only about two or three when I wandered down Park Ave Amityville to the intersection of Ireland Place and Park Ave. I was only in my diaper. I guess that is when I started my wondering. Officer Kay and the Amityville Police department would wander in and out of my life until I got married in 1969.

          I remember walking home from the movies with my friend (yes, we used to actually use our legs) When a police car stopped us and the policeman said that my friend’s father was driving drunk and they want my friend to drive him home. When my friend told, them he was only 14 years old they said that they know that he knows how to drive and we took his father home safely. When I was in High School I was on the Wrestling Team and once when an Amityville cop stop me, he said I saw you wrestle than a nice day;

          Looking back on those days I wonder if my black team mates can say similar stories. I felted even when I was young that something not right was going on and I admit that I was glad to be on the right side of the divide, but I wish there wasn’t a divide at all.  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

So, the Dictatorship of Donald I begins

The strange thing about the election of Donald John Trump is the one thing his supporters did not believe is when he told how crazy anyone was that would vote for him when he said “I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they would still vote for me”.  I still think he never wanted to be President during his campaign for the Republican nomination he first attacked Mexicans as criminals, then the Vets when he insulted John McCain, and a Muslim soldier both war heroes, and said he wanted a purple heart without earning it. Then he said he would ban all Muslim from entering the country and start a Muslim registry. He called blacks in the country’s cities as criminals living in poor conditions.

Now you would think after insulting all those people he wouldn’t have a chance to get elected, but many saw him as a strong leader so they gave him the Republican nomination.  He ran against Hillary Clinton who the Republicans had piled up a lot of lies about her, that most conservatives believed. So, thanks to the Electoral College Trump was elected President even if three million more Americans voted for Hillary.

Even before he took office Trump showed how bad a President he would be by appointing the worst cabinet in American History. Trump appointed people that hated the departments they were to head. He appointed Steve Bannon as his chief White House advisor a man who ran a White supremacist web site and was once a neo-Nazi. Trump appointed Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary who doesn’t have a degree in education and hates Public Schools in favor of private schools that take the smarter students and rejects those with learning disabilities unlike the public school that must take all students. Trump appointed Jeff Sessions Attorney General who has a very poor record on Civil Rights. Trump Appointed Rick Perry who didn’t even know what the Energy Department was all about. It was much the same with his other Appointments.     

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Robots not Undocumented taken jobs

I remember when I was just entering the work force around 1958 there were hundreds of thousands of workers in factory when they closed or moved. Then around the time I retired 2002 there were about twenty to thirty thousand, but recently they are only talking about a thousand or less. So the job lost is NOT because of cheap labor either overseas or undocumented aliens, but by Robots.

The biggest part of the problem of getting people to work at jobs they and families can live on, is Robots have taken 90% of those jobs away. Workers are no longer needed that is why factories are coming back to the USA. Right now, the jobs they take are mostly repetitive jobs, but what happens when they develop AI Robots that think for themselves then you can kiss the rest of jobs goodbye. Society most solve the problem of too many people and not enough jobs or the whole Society falls apart.

Republican repeal of the ACA

If you must replace the ACA please put a cap on insurance premiums and prescription cost. I still think the best way to go is a National Healthcare system because for one thing it would help businesses for their biggest cost is their healthcare benefit costs. Another is by spreading the cost through the whole population it would bring down the cost for everyone.
Replace ACA with a National Healthcare System like the rest of the world enjoys. You complain that the premiums have gone up under ACA, but that is the fault of the Healthcare insurance companies, not ACA or the government in general.
My bet is that they make small changes then call it Trumpcare instead of Obamacare. I sure the deplorables will believe it for they believe anything Trump says.